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IBSA London Properties is part of IBSA (International Bible Students Association) a registered charity acting on behalf of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Britain and Ireland. For more information about Jehovah’s Witnesses please follow this link.
Important Notice: International Bible Students Association (IBSA) (a charitable company limited by guarantee, Charity No. 216647, Company No. 136726, registered in England) gives notice that the sole purpose of these particulars is to provide outline information on this property to prospective purchasers who are solely responsible for making their own investigations and seeking appropriate independent advice, including the costs of so doing, and forming their own view as to the condition of the property, its fitness for their requirements and the accuracy and completeness of the statements herein. These particulars do not constitute any recommendation or offer to enter into any contract regarding this property. IBSA does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any description, dimension, reference to condition, necessary permission for use and occupancy and other details contained herein and prospective purchasers must not rely on them as statements of fact, warranties or representations. IBSA does not accept any liability or responsibility whether in negligence or otherwise for any loss arising from using or relying on these particulars. Any reference herein to any plant, machinery, equipment, services, fittings or fixtures at the property shall not constitute a representation as to its state or condition or fitness or capability to fulfil its intended function unless otherwise expressly stated or agreed by IBSA.